Spring Project ’25 Fees

Open Sessions

Hullabaloo is a membership choir, but we hold Open Sessions at the beginning of each term so you can ‘sing before committing’! As a Newbie, your first session is free!

Fees to fit everyone

Hullabaloo understands that this is a financially precarious time for many people, and we aim to welcome everyone to our singing community. To enable this, we offer our fees as a three-tiered fee structure, in the hope we can keep Hulla affordable yet functioning!

Please look at the options below, use the Fee Bands monthly net income guideline and pay what you can. Thanks so much.

Hullabaloo New Payment scheme

Monthly Standing Order (MSO)

This has been devised to spread Quire fees over the year. The amounts cover all project rehearsals, including any workshops that are run by Kirsty (not by outside MDs). This has been based on a 42 session year and 1 summer workshop. (We will be reviewing this new payment scheme at the end of August ’25).

Band 1: £44 per month

Band 2: £35 per month

Band 3: £26 per month

(see below for Band guidance)

Project Payment (PP)

Hulla is now moving to using Project, rather than Terms, as we have gigs/ events that don’t follow traditional terms, notably Brighton Fringe, Street Choir Festival, collaborations with folk who have different gig timings etc.

We have an extended-time project coming up, as our next gig is 17 May. The fees reflect all sessions from 6 Jan – 17 May, including the weekend double session

Band 1: £212.50
Band 2: £170
Band 3: £127.50
(see below for Band guidance)

Beginning of Project:

For Newbies: first session is free, then folk are expected to choose MSO or PP, and pay promptly. Any delay, a £10 holding fee per session will incur (returnable) for 2 following sessions max.

For Erstwhile Hullas: if unsure whether wanting to join for the project, a £10 holding fee per session will incur (returnable) for 2 sessions only, then it is expected that folk choose MSO or PP and pay promptly.

Fee bands

Band 1: Monthly net income above £2,000
Band 2: Monthly net income between £1,300 – £2,000
Band 3: Monthly net income below £1,300

If you feel that you are able to pay a higher level of fees than your income bracket suggests and Pay It Forward to support other members, it would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

Payment details are given in the email reply and at rehearsals.

Bursary Places

As ever, we hold some places for free/ at a very low, discretionary bursary fee, available on request. If you are keen to join and wish to apply, please email info@hullabalooquire.org

No refunds

In alignment with several other choir and most adult ed courses and classes, we will now not be offering a refund if you have signed up but find you find you can no longer attend.


You may book your Hullabaloo place online in advance – or you can just turn up to an Open Session and fill in a form! ( just like the old days!)

To book in advance, please email info@hullabalooquire.org with:

• Your first and last name,
• Phone Number
• Is your booking for an Open Session or for the Whole Term?