Sing with Brighton’s longest established Natural Voice Community Choir!
Hullabaloo was described by Brighton Fringe as “the aural equivalent of finding a £50 note on the street”!
Hullabaloo is known for our funky, folky and inventive choral collaborations and our fabulously diverse repertoire of choral delights. See some of our collaborators here
Everyone is Welcome and there are no Auditions! See who we are!
We teach and learn in the oral/aural tradition (by ear) and don’t use musical scores as default. See why here.
We offer fantastic opportunities to collaborate with world renowned musicians.! See who here!
Hullabaloo meets on Monday evenings in term time in central Brighton, from 7pm-9.15pm (with a tea break) Find out more about our rehearsals here
Become a Hullabeanie today!
We know the poster says £5 for an Open Session, but we’ve decided that the first one for Newbies is free!!
Everyone is Welcome!
Everyone is so welcome at Hullabaloo, and new folk often comment on how friendly and welcoming we are.
We are still building our numbers back up post pandemic and we would ESPECIALLY LOVE to welcome more men and lower singers, as well as returning erstwhile Hullabeanies – Let’s get the band back together!
NEW SINGERS are so so welcome (and treated to many a round of applause and a jump in the tea queue!) – we promise you will be well looked after and will float home in harmonic ecstasy after your first session with us!
And lastly but no means least, we also look forward to welcoming our wonderful stalwart, REGULAR HULLABEANIES back for our new term
Together we’re stronger! See you Monday 6th January!
Monday night rehearsals
We rehearse on Monday evenings from 7pm to 9:15pm rehearsals finish later just before a gig) with a short tea break. We ask you to arrive from 6:45, for a prompt start at 7pm!
We have sung in so many venues all over Brighton and Hove! We’ve had over 10 rehearsal venues over the last 25 years and currently, our main rehearsal venue is Stanford Junior School, Stanford Road, Brighton BN1 5PR.
Stanford has a large hall, in fully accessible, has some parking on site and access to a kitchen! It’s slightly out of town (sadly we can’t tick all the boxes!) but it easy to get to from Seven Dials / Old Shoreham Road / the railway station, and we also have a car share scheme in place. So if you are coming from further afield, please get in touch if we can help!
We also rehearse / workshop in the Brighton Unitarian Church and Middle Street School from time to time. All venues we use are accessible – please email us if you have any queries. See Venues page for further information.